One-On-One Knockerball Training
- $0.00
If you're a Knockerball Affiliate, please feel free to click below on "Schedule Appt" to sign up for a one-on-one training with one of our veteran Tech Support staff.
If you're a regular ERS or DRS customer, please reach out to Tech Support for individualized help, and/or sign up for a webinar training.
You can reach Tech Support via the little chat icon in the lower right-hand corner of your screen in the back end of your ERS/DRS folder, or via email at support@eventrentalsystems.com, or by phone from Monday through Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM MOUNTAIN TIME, at (505) 435-9731, extension 102.
If you're an ERS customer, you can sign up for a webinar training with us here: https://ersfast.info/ers_webinar_training_registration_2023/
If you're a DRS customer, you can sign up for a webinar training with us here: https://support.dumpsterrentalsystems.com/hc/en-us/articles/6764319842707